The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada-A Decade of Commitment & Contribution Recognized"

Professor Mansoor has significantly contributed to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, an institution dedicated to developing and accessing advanced postgraduate medical training across various specialties. Numerous specialists throughout Canada volunteer to enhance postgraduate medical education and specialty practice within the nation.

In 2011, Dr. Mansoor joined the Royal College’s Pathology Exam Committee, leveraging his expertise in hematological pathology. By 2012, he advanced to Vice Chair of the Exam Committee, and in 2013, he was appointed Chair of the General Pathology Examination Committee. His leadership was pivotal in assembling a dynamic team of pathology specialists to design and conduct annual exams in general pathology, maintaining high standards and incorporating innovative technologies to assess examinees’ skills and knowledge.

The team faced unprecedented challenges in March 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic struck just three weeks before the scheduled exam. Under Dr. Mansoor’s leadership, the committee swiftly transitioned to a virtual format, ensuring the examination’s high standards were upheld.

Completing a decade of service in 2022, Dr. Mansoor also played a vital role on the Specialty Committee in Pathology, where he helped develop and refine a new competency-based training curriculum known as "Competence by Design” (CBD). In recognition of his dedicated service, the Royal College awarded Dr. Mansoor a Certificate of Appreciation upon his tenure’s