(Lectures / student supervision/ examination committees)
External Supervisor: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Candidate Dr.
Amit Kalra: “Differentiating the Graft versus Host and Graft
versus Leukemia allo-immune responses by profiling the
recovery of immunity related Transcriptome and Proteome after
allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.”
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
External Examining Committee Member (External Examiner)
for Zhang, Ying for her Doctoral Final Oral Examination
University of Alberta, PhD. Supervisor, Dr. Raymond Lai,
Shantou University, Sept. 21, 2015
External Supervisor: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Candidate:
Kean C Phang, Department of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine, the National University of Malaysia (Universiti
Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2003 - 2010
Medical Science MDSC 674: Masters of Bio- technology
program – University of Calgary.
Medical Science 678 H (1-3): Practicum in Biomedical
Technology. Sarrah Osman. Project title: “microRNA- 223”.
High expression correlated with normal cytogenetics and
differentiated morphology in Adult De-Novo Acute Myeloid
Leukemia (AML). May- July 2013. Class of 2014, Master of
Biotechnology, University of Calgary
Examining Committee (External Examiner) for Amal A.
Almami for her MSc Thesis Defense entitled, ING3
Expression in Prostate Cancer and Its Association with ERG
Gene Rearrangements and Patients Outcome. Supervisor,
Dr. Tarek Bismar. University of Calgary, Dec. 19, 2013.
Internal Examiner for Mostafa Mohamed Abdel Alim
Mohamed for his PhD Candidacy examination. Thesis
entitled, AFramework for Automatic White Blood Cell
Differential Counting Targeting a Low-Cost System.
Supervisor, Dr. Behrouz Far. University of Calgary, August, 19,
Supervisor; Medical Science 678 H (1-3): Practicum in
Biomedical Technology. Rabbiya Zarin. Project title: GCB
vs ACB Protein Signature in Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL).
MUM1 Expression Correlate with Proliferation Index (Ki-67)
without Impact on Survival. May-July 2011. Class of 2011.
Master of Biotechnology. University of Calgary.
Supervisor; Medical Science 678 H (1-3): Practicum in
Biomedical Technology.Ravi Patel. Projecttitle:
Comparison of CD23 Expression in Chronic Lymphocytic
Leukemia (CLL) and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL).
Clinical utility of athreshold value in differential diagnosis.
May-July 2008. Class of 2008
Master of Biotechnology. University of Calgary
Supervisor; Medical Science 678 H(1-3): Practicum in
Biomedical Technology. Christopher Meindjert. Project title:
Developing a business model for a start-up tech company.
May – July 2008. Class of 2008. Master of Biotechnology.
University of Calgary
Supervisor; Medical Science 678 H (1-3): Practicum in
Biomedical Technology. Jessica MacLaren. Project title: Over
Expression of Regulator of G-Protein Signalling 1(RGS1) in Myeloma Cells Result in Decreased Adhesion & Enhanced
Migration through MAPK Pathway. Class of 2007. Master of
Biotechnology. University of Calgary.
Examination Committee for Ravi Patel for his Masters of
Biotechnology; thesis defense. Class of 2008. University of
Calgary. July, 22, 2008
Examination Committee for Christopher Meindjert for his
Masters of Biotechnology; thesis defense. Class of 2008,
University of Calgary. Sept. 09,2008
Examination Committee for Jessica MacLaren; for her
Mastersof Biotechnology; thesis defense. Class of 2007.
University of Calgary. August, 18, 2007